sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010


To talk about human values is very important to approach from the perspective of three dimensions: From the philosophical point of view, from the standpoint of communications, and from the point of view of new technologies. On the other hand, it is imperative to focus socially and individually.
Peruvian society currently has serious behavioral problems, and people who belong to a society in developing countries have a feature to easily identify, of course not possible to standardize the parameters that govern our behavior, but you can straighten our behavior.
Building parameters ideals that guide our actions for the common good.A summary continuaci6n analyze in very tight social and individual dimensions for taking acci6n for a massive educaci6n on Human Values, which contributes to optimize human relationships to achieve a better social life of mutual respect between institutions, companies, and professionals from different specialties who serve as members of a society, must do with morals and honesty.

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